Game Stocking Committee
Hunting Opportunities
GSA has the following hunting opportunities for the members. State of Connecticut hunting license and the appropriate tags are required for hunting on GSA land. All State of Connecticut laws apply.
Pheasant Hunting - During the small game hunting season a generous quantity of pheasants are stocked each week. Members must present their State of Connecticut hunting license to the game stocking chairman to obtain a free back tag to participate in the bird hunting program. GSA is exempt from the State of Connecticut pheasant tagging requirement, however a State of Connecticut hunting license is required.
Deer Hunting - During the designated seasons, deer hunting is allowed on the Club's land. Archery and muzzleloader permits are issued to any member who requests for permission to hunt with those weapons. Shotgun hunting is also available. Permits to hunt deer with shotguns are awarded through a lottery process each year.
Turkey - Spring turkey permits are issued to members through a lottery process each year.
Small Game - The Club's land has an abundance of squirrels, woodcock and grouse.
Dog Training - GSA has a designated bird dog training area that is maintained for use by members who provide their own birds.
Youth Hunting - The State of Connecticut establishes certain dates for youth hunting. GSA participates in the turkey, deer and pheasant youth hunting programs each year.
Game Stocking
During the small game hunting season a generous quantity of pheasants are stocked each week. Members of the Game Stocking committee pick up the birds from the breeder using the Club's trailer and bird boxes. The committee members alternate in making the pickup run. The birds are then stocked before each pheasant hunting session on Saturday as well as on Monday morning.
Upcoming Game Stocking Events
Please join us for one of the following events sponsored by the Game Stocking committee.
- Sat., Apr. 19 - Tentative: ALL RANGES CLOSED: JR Turkey Hunting
- Sat., Nov. 8 - Tentative: ALL RANGES CLOSED: JR Deer Hunting