Trap & Skeet Committee

GSA has two combination trap and skeet fields. Members can use the fields any time between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Members must be instructed on the use of the machines prior to turning on or loading any of the target throwers. These machines can be extremely dangerous and under no circumstances should anyone try to repair, maintain or adjust any of these machines. If there is a problem with any machine, contact the chairman as soon as possible. Your key will open the skeet shack and the skeet houses. The key to the trap house is hanging on the wall in the skeet shack. Please remember to return the key to the wall after opening the trap houses. The fields are lighted. The lights can be turned on for evening shooting only when there are three or more shooters on the fields.
Trap machines should be loaded with targets after shooting. The trap machines should be shut down and the arm released. This is done by using the switches found outside the trap. Never stand in front of the machine when performing the shutdown procedure.
Safety is of the utmost importance. Safe gun handling is essential to ensuring the safety of shooters and spectators. Unsafe gun handling will not be tolerated. If any member observes any inappropriate activity while firearms are present, he should instruct the offender to immediately stop what he is doing, and ask that person to pack up and leave. The person should be reported to the trap & skeet chairman, an officer or board member.
Eye and Hearing protection must be worn at all times when on the fields. Eye and ear protection is strongly recommended when observing any shooting on the trap and skeet fields. Never load more then two shells into your gun.
During any trap or skeet shooting, only the shooters, target pullers and scorers are allowed beyond the fence.
Shotgun shells must be limited to a maximum load of 3 drams.
Upcoming Trap & Skeet Events
Please join us for one of the following events sponsored by the Trap & Skeet committee.
- There are no events scheduled at this time. Please check back soon.